AGM April 9th @7PM Westshore Recreation, Lookout Lounge


Given that much time, effort and volunteerism shapes each hockey season, our AGM is an important meeting where we can collectively review the season, bring forth new business while affording our membership a voice in either electing new members or re-electing existing members into our Executive body.**Warren Campbell Head Manager**

 Given that much time, effort and volunteerism shapes each hockey season, our AGM is an important meeting where we can collectively review the season, bring forth new business while affording our membership a voice in either electing new members or re-electing existing members into our Executive body. We feel that JDF is a progressive hockey community and are proud of the positive culture we have created while seasonally enriching our core program with such value added drivers as our five coaching seminars, power skating lessons and dry-land training while also introducing a set of 3rd jerseys for each division, Atom through Juvenile. It is through the membership’s participation at our AGM that brings forth discussion, information sharing and elections which all lends guidance to our off-season strategic planning in better assuring us of shared values.
Again, please encourage all members to attend as the AGM is an important closing activity that envelopes our passing season.
Thank you,
Warren Campbell
Head Manager